Well my third month of the trip is up and what a month it has been. After the physical challenge and constant slogging it out on the Great Divide, time in Mexico has been slower paced and the challenge has been more of a linguistic nature. I've only covered 1162 miles this month, about two thirds of what I did in months one and two. However, thus reflects more days out of the saddle, I am still putting in some pretty hefty daily mileages from time to time! Only four camps in Mexico so far and 19 stays in Mexican homes in a month - this has been an unexpected pleasure of this part of the trip.

Moving on from Fresnillo I took the main highway to Zacatecas. Part of it is a toll road (pictured) but cyclist and just roll on through without charge. Most big roads have wide shoulders so it's safe riding. When the shoulder disappears and you hear a large truck approaching from behind you hold on tight, try to keep as straight a line as possible and grit your teeth hoping to survive unscathed! Many drivers are considerate and wait till they can pass safely.

Zacatecas is the most attractive city I've visited on the whole trip and, unsurprisingly with all the colonial architecture, reminded me of my time in Spain. My host tells me it is the second highest city in Mexico and the centre's streets are draped across the mountainous terrain. The city was founded on and funded by its rich deposits of silver.

The city's cathedral dominates the centre with high towers, an elaborately decorated facade and is both a place of worship and a hub for tourists.

I was fortunate enough to stay with Francisco and Sandra who live slap bang in the heart of Zacatecas. I enjoyed great conversations with them about Mexico, travelling, politics and the regional intricacies of Spanish. Each morning me, Brandon and Jonny (American cyclists I met in Durango) sat down to a sumptuous breakfast of quesadillas, toast, eggs, fruit, honey and coffee. What have I done to deserve such hospitality?!? I just try to smile, be a happy person, try my hardest with Spanish and it all seems to work out!

Exploring the backstreets of Zacatecas had been great fun and there are sir wonderful museums here. I've enjoyed the time out of the saddle again and feel ready to ride on to Aguascalientes tomorrow.

Home! Francisco and Sandra's apartment is the block just to the left of the tree in this beautiful plaza. Like many hosts, they trust us bedraggled cyclists with keys to the property so we are free to come and go as we please.

The celebrations for the Day of the Dead are approaching soon. While I'm not one to plan ahead to far, at least not on this trip, I'm hoping to make it to Morelia in time to enjoy the festivities there. A fair bit of riding to do in between but, as my mileage suggests, I'm riding within myself and a bit of pushing won't do me any harm. I just can't help but get sidetracked in Mexico though so well see what happens!
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