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Monday, 12 September 2016

Indiana Pass

I had hoped to post a couple of videos I shot, before and after, making the pass but can't find anywhere with Wifi fast enough to upload the videos. So you'll have to trust that I actually made it!
The approach to Indiana Pass sends you through a town called Del Norte which is surrounded by upland desert. Unlike the vast plains of Wyoming covered in endless sage brush, the desert here is coloured with splashes of yellow, pink and purple wild flowers and spectacular outcrops of rock.

Patti and Gary kindly hosted me in Del Norte and ensured I was well fed and well rested before tackling the pass. They are consummate cycle tourists and were able to give me great advice and information about the route ahead. The incredible standards of American hospitality were maintained!

No picture of me at the pass, I only made a video, but this is the scene from 11,910ft. Like other passes in the area, it was manageable as the elevation grade was fairly steady and the track was of decent quality. I hoped that making this highest pass would mean the end of the hard work but, in the following days, the trail got rockier and steeper in places. 

Important to keep healthy on the trail. I have developed a minor addiction to Cliff bars, so much more nutritious than cookies, and Noosa yogurts with their wonderful array of fresh flavours. Other trail bars and yogurts are available...

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