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Monday, 18 July 2016

School's out for summer

After months of anticipation it's proving a bit of a wrench to leave. I had a wonderful send off from my fabulous tutor group, help and kind words from colleagues and friends and on-going, unwavering support from my dear family. The pain of separation...
The optical illusion of photography gives the impression that this cyclist is prepared for a cycle tour. He is not.

The guidebook said it would take an hour to box up my bike. Give or take two hours it was right. Trying to get my bike into the box was about as much fun as a visit from OFSTED. As the sun beat down the box seemed to shrink and the frame seemed to grow.

Whatever else happens this year, this will be my greatest achievement, getting the bike into the bloody box! Stressful. And then I've got to put it back together in Vancouver. Never taking a bike on a plane again...


  1. Good luck Moden! Living the dream.

  2. Go go go Mo-dog!! Have an amazing time :)

    1. Crossed a river the other day, on the plaque was written "The Bridge of Dreams". Yes, indeed.

  3. Truly inspiring Sir, have an amazing adventure. You will be missed at ICC greatly, but look forward to seeing you on results day.

    Don't chase after any muggers to get your camera back!!

    Have an incredible time Sir. MC MODEN we love you.

    1. Thanks Dylan! I hope you can see why I had to do this trip; there aren't many times in life when you can go on a real adventure but this is one of them for me. Keep being a good geographer, keep reading the blog and, yes, we'll meet again on results day next year.
